Oxford-based 6-piece, The Balkan Wanderers, weave East-meets-West tapestries, inspired by Balkan-Gypsy artists (e.g. Amira Medunjanin/ Šaban Bajramović / Barcelona Gipsy balKan Orchestra, Xazzar), and Balkan-world ska/punk pioneers (Mano Negra/ Golem/ Gogol Bordello/ Dubioza kolektiv) with high-octane renditions of traditional Eastern European folk to create high energy live shows and records. The band has received radio play On 6 Music (Tom Robinson show) and other stations, and performed numerous shows, parties and festivals, including Boomtown, Common People Oxford Festival (headlining the Uncommon Stage), Hoomstock (Croatia), Cornbury Festival and many many more. The band went on hiatus in 2018, reforming in 2022 with a mix of new and original members.
